Wir bieten Ihnen garantiert viel mehr als nur QUALIFIZIERTE Fachkräfte

Unsere Dienstleistungen

Erstellung Ihres Benutzerkontos​
Um unseren geschätzten Kunden eine nahtlose Erfahrung zu gewährleisten, bieten wir umfangreiche technische Unterstützung.
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Employer Branding
Employer Branding ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie, um sich als attraktiver Arbeitgeber zu positionieren und die passenden Mitarbeiter zu finden und zu binden.
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Gestaltung der Stellenanzeigen
In der heutigen schnelllebigen Arbeitswelt ist es für Unternehmen essentiell, effiziente und zielgerichtete Wege zu finden.
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Unser Marketing - Team bietet die umfassende Gestaltung und Schaltung von insgesamt drei maßgeschneiderten Werbeanzeigen für die Social-Media-Kanäle von Duceus.
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Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die passenden Mitarbeiter für Ihr Unternehmen gewinnen, haben wir ein umfassendes Verfahren zur Auswahl geeigneter Kandidaten entwickelt.
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Unterstützung bei der anfallenden Bürokratie
Dabei sind das Verständnis und die Navigation durch das Visaverfahren sowie die Anerkennungsverfahren essentielle Schritte für ein erfolgreiches Onboarding und die Mitarbeiterintegration.
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Entscheidend für den Erfolg Ihres Rekrutierungsprozesses ist, dass Sie eine ausreichende Anzahl von Bewerbungen für Ihre ausgeschriebenen Stellen erhalten.
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Jobs von unserem Duceus Portal

Together, we are building your career in Germany - let your future be secure.

Experience a seamless journey to discover job opportunities in Germany through the Duceus Portal. Our Portal offers the easiest and safest way to connect you with employers who have open job positions. What sets us apart is the all-encompassing nature of our service, making it your ultimate advantage in today’s job market, especially for those seeking employment in German-speaking countries, with a primary focus on Germany.


With the support of the Duceus Portal, every user has the opportunity to not only connect with German employers but to also access the following services:

  • Learning the German language up to the B1 language level.​
  • Information and advisory support for diploma recognition in Germany.
  • Information and advisory support for the visa application process.
  • Information about the integration process into the German system.
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Become a member of our Duceus community today!


Our experience in numbers

For over 8 years, Duceus has been connecting foreign employees with companies in Germany.

Become a part of this win-win model as well!

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Successful connections
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In just 3 steps to cooperation

Medical Workers

Medical professionals are currently the most sought-after experts in Germany. Take a look at the procedure for hiring foreign medical professionals in Germany in just a few steps and see how Duceus can assist you in successfully navigating this process.

From degree recognition to the integration of employees into the German system, Duceus provides you with all the necessary information.

Most popular

We cooperate with companies like:


Most popular professions

Medical professionals
+2071 Members

+493 Members

+716 Members

+443 Members

+460 Members

+553 Members

Construction worker
+1152 Members

Painter and decorator
+1348 Members

CNC Milling Machine Operator
+658 Members

Automotive Mechanic
+1100 Members

+1254 Members

+962 Members

Heating installer
+424 Members

Forklift driver
+397 Members

+863 Members

+648 Members

Roofing specialist
+1060 Members

University graduate
+563 Members

+440 Members

Bus driver
+938 Members

Truck driver
+1148 Members

+1388 Members

Engine driver
+448 Members

+482 Members

Opportunity - Investment - Future
DUCEUS connects you!

More about Duceus

Years of work in the field of employing foreign workers in German companies have led Duceus to evolve from a small company into a synonym for expertise in understanding the rules and procedures necessary for recruiting and employing foreign professionals. With three offices covering countries in Western and Southeastern Europe, we support our Duceus Portal, which, in addition to facilitating online connections between interested employers and employees, also provides a wide range of service information that you may need.

And how it works:

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Duceus Website

What you can find on the Duceus website and in the Duceus portal? What are our services, and how can we help you achieve your goal to the best of your ability? Listen to everything briefly in our video.

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Duceus Portal

With our job portal, you have the ideal solution to efficiently meet the demand for skilled professionals. Embrace diversity and innovation by bringing talented foreign professionals into your company.

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Always up to date

Explore the news page to discover all the latest and important information about the Duceus- check it out and stay informed

How did it all begin?

It all started as the idea of one individual to expand services to as many users as possible, both interested candidates and employers. Thanks to hard work and the support of our closest collaborators, we managed to gather experts from various scientific fields and thus formed a stable and strong team that provides support to every user throughout the entire foreign employment procedure. Dedication and commitment to achieving the goal make us recognizable in the market.

Contact us!

Are you unsure if you’ve understood everything correctly? Or do you have questions about the process? Contact us – we’ll be happy to answer your questions.