
Duceus Weihnachtsfeier

Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich uns auf der Duceus-Weihnachtsfeier angeschlossen haben – ein Abend voller Freude, Gelächter und festlicher Stimmung! Wir freuen uns, einige Höhepunkte von der zauberhaften Feier zu teilen, die unsere Duceus-Familie im Geiste der Jahreszeit zusammengebracht hat. Während wir uns von diesem wundervollen Abend verabschieden, wollen wir die Freude und den Geist des Zusammenhalts mit ins kommende Jahr nehmen. Wir freuen uns darauf, mehr Erinnerungen zu schaffen und am Erfolg und Glück teilzuhaben, die das neue Jahr bringen wird. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine fröhliche Urlaubssaison und ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr!

Das Duceus Team

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Duceus Turkey Office Grand Opening Celebration - February 11, 2022

Revel with us once more in the joy of our office opening in Istanbul. Our event was graced by the presence of not only our valued employees and dear friends but also a distinguished gathering of business partners, along with the esteemed Mayor of Istanbul and his family.

How has the Turkish office developed?

Over the past two years, Duceus has achieved significant progress and development in Turkey. During this time, Duceus has successfully established partnerships with various agencies to assist the German market in recruiting highly qualified professionals. The company has expanded its service offerings and now provides a diverse range of human resources solutions tailored to the specific needs of its clients.

Expanding to New Horizons: Our Future International Ventures

Duceus continues its expansion, and alongside Turkey and Serbia, it plans to extend its operations to other countries in the Near and Far East. More detailed information about these plans will be announced soon. The company is persistently working on opening new locations and offering its services on an international level. Stay informed to learn more about the exciting developments and future goals of Duceus!

Other business fields

In addition to our main business, Duceus Portal, our company has been operating in other areas for many years. From intensive care, with our own Duceus Academy conducting simulation exams for obtaining German recognition for medical nurses, to the current planning of our own intensive care ward. Besides our formal business operations, we are also active in social projects, dedicating all our efforts to support young talents in the best possible way.
